I do not know what I am doing!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thing #23

I was hoping to add the thingster badge to my post for thing #23, but I added it to my chargercougar blog as a gadget. I really thought I already had it, but it was gone when I looked so I put it back. I joined 23 thingsters way back before thing #3, just because I like social networking. Wow, how far have my 2.0 skills come? Look at me blog!! I am still not good at embedding picts and things in individual blogs, but I am still working on it. It could be that I really like Safari better than mozilla, so I have to keep checking to make sure I am in mozilla.

I really think that next year I will try and set up a
Ning network for team 7-2. I really think that the students and parents would get into it. It would be a great way to keep them all involved, and it would lessen the need to make so many blanket emails.

I do have a picture on my 23
thingster page, and have left a couple of comments on the fall 2008 page of thingsters and one for one of the members.

In searching for a few "nings", the list is truly overwhelming! I chose a favorite one about St. Joe H2O. What an awesome example of a way to have class participation at a
Ning site!

1 comment:

maryw said...

Isn't it amazing what you can learn just by playing around? You've done a GREAT job!