I do not know what I am doing!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thing #7 or sharing a little part of your soul

As I was scanning my reader, I came across a post on Infinite Thinking Machine called Freedom to read. It has one of my favorite lists of the top 100 banned books from 1990-2000. It is amazing to me how some of these could make it. Maybe they could ban our posts and comments too!

Commenting is like voting, it seems to give you some say. Sometimes we feel that voting may not do any good, but when you think about the process it really is the only say we have, and no matter how small that say, it is still mine. So when I now blog that is my chance to send my "Vote" out into the mysteries of cyberspace for the universe to read.

I have really enjoyed reading not only posts but others comments to the posts. I know that I find it exciting to get posts on my blog. It is kind of like seeing how your number of friends compares to others on facebook. In the movie Spacecamp, the quote was, "ohh, competitive, aren't we?" I guess I am!


Kelly said...

Ha! I find myself looking for comments, too! It's fun to see who's responding and what they have to say. I have a clustermap widget on my page that puts a dot on the map every time someone visits my page. That's pretty cool, too.

I read the list of banned books and looked at one of the graphs of who's complaining. It seems that school libraries are the ones with the highest percentage. Of course when I looked at the list I could see why in some cases. Madonna's book does not need to be on a school bookshelf!

Sue said...

so since I love books so much I had to check out the list of 100 most challenged books...and I can't believe some of the titles; A wrinkle in time, To kill a Mockingbird, The color purple..Huckleberry Finn..it really is a shame that so many people let fear guide their opinions. I'm enjoying your blog :)..this is so much fun!