My first teaching and coaching job was at Dallas Christian Schools, whose mascot is a Charger. I coached there for 6 years and had the opportunity to return there from 2003-2006 and continue coaching. During my last year, we won a state championship in Girl's Track and Field. If you visit my room, I have pictures of that team on my wall. I still keep in touch with most of my athletes. There is also a really big picture of this team hanging on the wall in the Dallas Christian Cox event center. (the gym)
When I left DC, I worked at A.C. New for 3 years and then got a job at Kimbrough Middle School in Mesquite for the next 9 years. After my 3 year return stint with the Chargers, I returned to Kimbrough. I've coached volleyball, basketball and track at all 3 schools. KMS has a mascot of a cougar. Although I am not current coaching, I will always feel very attached to both these schools, but since my state championship is from DC, and my oldest son graduated from there I have to put the Charger first. DC is royal blue and KMS is navy, so I guess that means that part of me will always bleed blue.